The Magic of Middle-Earth
A Tolkien Home Page

s is the case with all great literature, a host of
readers of Tolkien's fantasy series, The Lord of the Rings, have been
enchanted by the many delightful characters and the magic that is Middle-Earth.
This magic of Middle-Earth involves a tale that ranges from emotional highs to
the deepest depressions--the joy and peace found in the House of Tom Bombadil,
where Frodo is able, for the moment, to lay aside the Quest, and the darkest
moments at the Tower of Cirith Ungol, where Master Samwise must make his
choices. Pervading the entire story is an epic sense of the human struggle
between good and evil.
n Sauron, we have a depiction of a foe that is both
diabolical and demonic by his very nature. On the other hand, in Gandalf the
White, we see the vision of an angelic force sent to inspire the hearts of men
to resist the evil power of Sauron. It is this epic struggle between good and
evil that has enchanted a generation of readers who have demonstrated their love
of Tolkien's works by reading the novels over and over again. For, as those of
us who have read the novels many times know, the attraction of Middle-Earth and
its characters is the new realizations that we as readers and fellow humans
locked in struggle against our own forces of evil draw from the victory of
Gondor out of the very Shadow of defeat.
hus, one might say that if their is hope for
Middle-Earth there is certainly hope for us in our own dark times. Presented on
this page is my meager effort at drawing tribute to the great work of J. R. R.
Tolkien. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed researching the sites and
preparing the page. And, if you need a Tolkien book, check out my on-line bookstore with

Tolkien Links
have included a couple of links to well-crafted,
informative Tolkien sites that I have found in my attempts at researching the
web for such resources. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.


ossibly the most interesting character in Tolkien's
works is the wizard Gandalf. My interest in Gandalf started many years ago when
I read The Hobbit for the first time. I found the mysteriousness that
Tolkien used in his descriptions of the old wizard quite enchanting. Indeed,
even before I read The Lord of the Rings, I realized that there was
more to Gandalf than just the perenial wizard found in almost all fantasy
novels. This interest lead me to write a paper for a Tolkien class on Gandalf.
If you would like to read my scholarly tome on the wizard just click on its
title below.
Grey Pilgrim's Task Gandalf, Sauron, and the Ring of Power

Favorite Tolkien Image
have also included one of my favorite paintings
depicting Gandalf for you to view. Just click on the links to see them!
This Page was Last Updated on
April 13, 2006.